This book highlights the problems we are facing both at national and personal level.
What you need right now, more than anything else is money. Where does money come from? IDEAS! You need ideas to expand your business or career so as to earn more money. How will you get these ideas if you don’t read?
In the beginning God said, “let there b light”, and there was light. Wow, words create light. Jesus said, “my people perish for lack of knowledge”. Knowledge is words n words bring light to your life. They sharpen your mind, give you ideas on how to expand your BUSINESS. They open your eyes to possibilities and opportunities. Illuminate your path to success. Stop focusing on problems in the country, you cannot control that. Focus on what you can control, your mind. Seek words that’ll bring light to your life.
God does not go back on His word. Seek knowledge. Words that’ll bring light to your life or you perish – in worries, fear, self pity. Why do we put ourselves through unnecessary struggle by continuously refusing to obey God? We spend sleepless nights worrying. Time and energy that could have been invested in seeking ideas to solve your problems.
Am just one of the vessels that God uses to unlock the potential in you, using words through writing or speaking. That’s my talent, my purpose in life, my reason for creation.
If I can get you started at becoming salt and light in your own life and lives of others, my mission is accomplished. Why? Because a rich and successful you means a developed Kenya. A rich and successful you means God’s beautiful dream of the world has come true!

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- Author: Jane Kamau
- Edition: First
- Language: English
- Publisher: Elong'o Publishers
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