Elong'o Publishers

Tears of a Woman

200.00 /=680.00 /=

  • Edition: 2nd
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Elong'o Publisher
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When a woman sheds tears, society takes it that she is weak, overcome or hopeless. In other places they say, “It is the nature of women (just like children) to cry”.

However, in that tear drop is immense power to nurture, to forebear, to forgive and put up with many inconveniences in the society. On the other hand, women can twist that power and use it for wrong influences. When women do so, it is because they are protesting at a multitude of burdens that society places upon them. If only we understood women better, we would have joy and bliss at home, in the work place and in our nation. There would be greater peace and prosperity in our region. This book seeks to provide a wider understanding of how society can help the woman to achieve her purpose of beautifying life.



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