”Money and the spirit of wealth” is a piece that seeks to answer a very simple but very common question ”WHERE IS MY MONEY?” It will also bring understanding on thespiritualaspect ofmoneyand the divine laws that helps you to build sustainable kingdom wealth. Kingdom wealth entails both material things and inner satisfaction that comes by fulfilling your God given assignment. Your money is in your purpose, your giftings and talents (Passion) are clear pointers of the problems you’ve been assigned to solve. Your relevance and significance in life is only visible when you bring out the best version of yourself.
After reading this book, there is no doubt that God will direct you into your right line of business and set you at the right path in life. Am believing God with youthat through this book, Hewill channel you into profitable enterprise andnever again will you losemoney in business or investments. I pray that you receive the spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, that will cause you to prosper kingdom way.
You may be doing well today, thank God and congratulations. Nevertheless there is always a better way, a higher level and even greater opportunities awaiting you in the days to come, this book helps you prepare for that growth.
There are those who might be down today, discouraged, stressed and confused, but there is a God in heaven who changes situations, rewrites people’s stories, turning victims intovictors, failures intosuccess stories, broke people into loaded men, local struggling business into global mega brands, subsistence business into trans-generational empires and unknown village boys and girls into global icons. This piece helps you unlock your potential and build yourself to your place of relevance.

500.00 /=
- Author: Joe Wisdom
- Edition: 1st
- Language: English
- Publisher: Wisdom
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